Gamification Strategy Through Snake Ladder Game Systematic Literature Review
Gamification Strategy Through Snake Ladder Game Systematic Literature Review
Gamification Strategy Through Snake Ladder Game Systematic Literature Review
Hani Dewi Ariessanti, Meyliaana, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Harjanto Prabowo
"Gamification is a concept that is carried out in order to improve the results of the delivery of information. One gamification strategy that implements the elements of a game into a non-game contexts to resolve the issue with the aim of motivating the user in the process study will examine systematic adaptation of the concept of gamification strategy in learning media, in particular the use of universal games such as snakes systematic literature review and scientific publication articles from 2014 to 2020 regarding gamification strategies in learning using media. This strategy concept for early childhood based on the packaging of game rules, the interface of games and the needs of learning."
Ariessanti, H. D., Hidayanto, A. N., & Prabowo, H. (2020, December). Gamification Strategy Through Snake Ladder Game Systematic Literature Review. In 1st International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICITE 2020) (pp. 162-166). Atlantis Press.
learning early childhood, game snakes and ladders, a literature review