
Classification in the LdoD Archive: A Crowdsourcing and Gamification Approach

Classification in the LdoD Archive: A Crowdsourcing and Gamification Approach

Classification in the LdoD Archive: A Crowdsourcing and Gamification Approach

Classification in the LdoD Archive: A Crowdsourcing and Gamification Approach

Gonçalo Montalvão, Marques António, Rito Silva, Manuel Portela


This article presents a solution developed on top of the LdoD Archive for the classification of fragments in the context of a virtual edition, through the use of a serious game strategy. Participants select a classification for a fragment after following a series of steps that require them to propose tags for fragments and then vote on other participants’ tags. The goal of the game is twofold: it can be used as a crowdsourced tool to classify texts from the Book of Disquiet, in the context of a virtual edition, and it functions as a collaborative learning tool for the reading and analysis of texts from the Book of Disquiet.


Marques, G. M., Silva, A. R., & Portela, M. (2020, November). Classification in the LdoD Archive: A Crowdsourcing and Gamification Approach. In International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (pp. 313-319). Springer, Cham.


Digital humanities,  Gamification,  Crowdsourcing, Digital Archive