
Gamification and Using It in Organisational Consulting

Gamification and Using It in Organisational Consulting

Gamification and Using It in Organisational Consulting

By Maija Zakrizevska-Belogrudova and Sanita Leimane


“Gamification has been a topical item in education, marketing, human resources management, business, and organisational consulting in the past decade. Nowadays, companies have a wider range of available organisational consultations: organisational supervision is developing, coaching is popular, and there is a wide offer of business training sessions. This study aims to research gamification in organisational consulting, analyse the differences in the opinions regarding the use and availability of

gamification in the professional activities of coaches, supervisors and business trainers. The survey developed by the authors of the study consisted of four sets of items (Information about Gamification, Application and Availability of Gamification, Believing Gamification Methods, Team/Group Responsiveness to Gamification) and two additional statements for the purpose of confirming the responses given by the respondents regarding their beliefs in gamification as an effective method and their

readiness to use it. The associations related to the game and gamification were also researched. The questionnaire about gamification in the professional activities of supervisors, coaches and businesstrainers was sent electronically to professionals practising in Latvia. Questionnaires from 85 respondents were received and processed. The results demonstrated no statistically significant differences in the opinions of

coaches, supervisors and business trainers regarding the use of gamification in organisational consulting. It was found out that the concept of gamification has not been sufficiently explained and there is still no common understanding regarding it in Latvia. More than half or 55 % of the 85 respondents in the survey do not know where to acquire gamification. At the same time, 91 % of the respondents in the survey specify

that they are willing to acquire the methods of gamification. The authors of the study believe that it is important to proceed with the research in organisations to find out the experience of the organisations in gamification and to develop gamification training programmes for the organisations..”


Zakrizevska-Belogrudova, M., & Leimane, S. (2021). Gamification and using it in organisational consulting. Rural Environment. Education. Personality. (REEP) Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific Conference. doi:10.22616/reep.2021.14.054


Gamification, organisational supervision, coaching, organisational consulting, research