The importance of using digital games for educational purposes for students with intellectual disabilities
The importance of using digital games for educational purposes for students with intellectual disabilities
The importance of using digital games for educational purposes for students with intellectual disabilities
By Kristian Stancina and Natasa Hoic-Bozica
“Acquiring academic and practical skills for students with intellectual disabilities is a great challenge. The use of digital games and game-based simulations in order to accomplish certain learning outcomes can be a good mediator in adopting these skills. The aim of the paper is to present the field of digital games for students with intellectual disabilities by giving an overview of recent research in the field. The research is focused on finding how to define most important game concepts, how important are digital games in the education process of students with intellectual disabilities, and what is the purpose of existing games. Throughout the work, the following contributions have been made: the terms game-based learning, educational games, serious games were defined and connected them with the term intellectual disabilities, and new findings in using digital games in the upbringing and education of students with intellectual disabilities were pointed out. This paper also describes the research in the context of the project “Digital games in the context of learning, teaching and promoting inclusive education;” related to the possibilities of using games for students with intellectual disabilities.”
Stancin, K., & Hoic-Bozic, N. (2021). The importance of using digital games for educational purposes for students with intellectual disabilities. Rijeka; University of Rijeka.
Game-based learning, mobile learning, educational apps, Digital games, Game-based learning, Serious games, Intellectual disabilities, research