Educational Escape Room for an Interactive University Class Room
Educational Escape Room for an Interactive University Class Room
Educational Escape Room for an Interactive University Class Room
Harsha Mary Kurian and Robert James Ross
“Escape room is a well-known entertainment activity which offers fun and adventure for the participants. And education is the foundation for every successful person and there
by the society. But while growing up the learning methods or syllabus are not so interesting while we reach higher grades. Even though we have to understand those important lessons it’s a boring procedure to concentrate on something which someone
is not so interested. To increase the student engagement in classes and thereby leading to an interactive session escape rooms can be used in a productive way in education. This paper will give an overview of educational escape room and will explain about
the four escape rooms developed as a part of this project. These four escape rooms were developed for engineering students and one of them is already used for teaching and this was successful. The results of these will be evaluated further Index Terms—escape rooms, student engagement, education, game based learning,interactive learning”.
Kurian, H. M. Educational Escape Room for an Interactive University Class Room .
Learning, education, escape room