An Examination and Extension of the Theory of Gamified Learning: The Moderating Role of Goal Orientation
An Examination and Extension of the Theory of Gamified Learning: The Moderating Role of Goal Orientation
An Examination and Extension of the Theory of Gamified Learning: The Moderating Role of Goal Orientation
Caribay Garcia- Marquez, Kristina N. Bauer
“There was little support for the hypothesized moderated mediation model. However, an interesting outcome of this study was the significant conditional indirect effect of the badge condition for average learning and high avoid performance goal orientations, suggesting badges can improve self-efficacy in gamified learning.”
Garcia-Marquez, C., & Bauer, K. N. (2020). An Examination and Extension of the Theory of Gamified Learning: The Moderating Role of Goal Orientation. Simulation & Gaming, 1046878120958741.
Gamification, Gamified Learning, Badges, Progress Bar, Goal Orientation, Self-Efficacy