At Village Games+, students are building games and forging paths to careers in STEAM
At Village Games+, students are building games and forging paths to careers in STEAM
At Village Games+, students are building games and forging paths to careers in STEAM
Melissa Rayworth
August 22, 2024
Walter Lewis, president of Homewood Children’s Village (HCV), saw potential in expanding beyond a six-week digital game creation course. This led to the creation of Village Games+, an in-house game design studio where students design and build games while learning art, science, and entrepreneurship. With guidance from experts and funding from a Moonshot Grant, students began designing early literacy games, including Letter Jam, a vocabulary-building board game. The project encourages creativity, cooperative play, and real-world skills, including business and game development. Students are also gaining STEAM and entrepreneurial experience as they move from design to prototyping and preparing for marketing.
Rayworth, M. (2024, August 22). At Village Games+, students are building games and forging paths to careers in STEAM. Kidsburgh.