From Gamification to Game-Based Learning
From Gamification to Game-Based Learning
From Gamification to Game-Based Learning
Fiona Warburton
July, 23, 2024
AI's growing presence in academia sparks debates about academic integrity and potential cheating. In response, universities are updating policies to address ethical responsibilities tied to AI. Students in the UK now sign declarations regarding their AI tool usage in research. Amid these changes, academic libraries face new challenges in information literacy. The JSTOR Daily Sleuth game encourages students to identify AI-generated research titles, promoting engagement and awareness. Libraries are incorporating gamification and game-based learning strategies to enhance knowledge retention. Starting in September 2024, the game will be part of first-year undergraduate modules, further embedding it in academic practices.
Warburton, F. (2024, July 23). From gamification to game-based learning. JSTOR Daily.