A child’s-eye view of the universe: Curiosmos makes space simulation fun
A child’s-eye view of the universe: Curiosmos makes space simulation fun
A child’s-eye view of the universe: Curiosmos makes space simulation fun
Lewis Gordon
July, 11, 2024
Céline Veltman, a Dutch game developer, is crafting "Curiosmos," a video game inspired by her childhood fascination with space. At 28, Veltman is creating a game where players can build a solar system, observing cosmic phenomena like collisions and chemical reactions leading to planetary formation and life. The game, with its vibrant visuals and whimsical approach, is designed to both entertain and educate about space, drawing from influences like "Spore" and Keita Takahashi’s work. Despite challenges in simplifying complex scientific concepts, Veltman aims for "Curiosmos" to ignite curiosity and convey the wonders and fragility of the universe.
Gordon, L. (2024, July 11). A child’s-eye view of the universe: Curiosmos makes space simulation fun. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/games/article/2024/jul/11/a-childs-eye-view-of-the-universe-curiosmos-makes-space-simulation-fun