Gamifying education: an ‘end game’ for child exploitation?
Gamifying education: an ‘end game’ for child exploitation?
Gamifying education: an ‘end game’ for child exploitation?
Isabel Jones
July, 10, 2024
Games have been part of human culture since ancient times, evolving from board games like The Royal Game of Ur to modern digital experiences. The 2016 Pokémon Go craze exemplifies our fascination with games. Today, educational initiatives like Catch22's "In the Zone" use games to teach serious topics such as child exploitation and knife crime, encouraging dialogue and reflection among youth. While video games can engage and educate, they also carry risks, such as potentially glamorizing harmful behavior. Effective educational games should foster conversation and be integrated into broader support systems to ensure they serve as positive, ethical tools for learning.
Jones, I. (2024, July 10). Gamifying education: An ‘end game’ for child exploitation? Catch22.