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Reading By Playing: Schools Must Rise to Meet the Literacy Challenge

Reading By Playing: Schools Must Rise to Meet the Literacy Challenge

Reading By Playing: Schools Must Rise to Meet the Literacy Challenge

By Brandon Cardet-Hernandez

March 14, 2024

Originally Published Here


The data underscores a crisis in reading proficiency, exacerbated by the pandemic, teacher shortages, and educational inequities. Despite evidence supporting phonics-based instruction, many schools have abandoned it, leading to poor literacy outcomes. This trend disproportionately affects disadvantaged students, as demonstrated by personal experience. Game-based learning presents a promising solution, offering personalized, engaging education that frees teachers to focus on individual needs. Embracing technology's potential, educators must integrate game-based learning to transform teaching methods, fostering collaboration and addressing urgent literacy challenges. Failure to act swiftly perpetuates a cycle of educational disparity with profound societal consequences, necessitating immediate intervention.


Cardet-Hernandez, B. (2024, March 14). Reading By Playing: Schools Must Rise to Meet the Literacy Challenge. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from https://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2024-03-14/reading-by-playing-schools-must-rise-to-meet-the-literacy-challenge