How gamification is changing fitness
How gamification is changing fitness
How gamification is changing fitness
By Mauro Frota
February 5, 2024
We all know that exercise has a positive impact on our physical health, but it can significantly improve mental health conditions too, including anxiety and depression.
The availability of resources and tools like fitness technology to address mental health challenges is increasing significantly.
Fittech is dedicated to improving fitness, exercise, and health in general.
Workout apps, activity trackers, monitoring devices, and other technological advances designed to help people achieve a better state of physical and mental health.
What can possibly inspire people to exercise, and thus improve their health, when all these gadgets and Fitbits are already available? Did you know that gamers spend an average of more than 8 hours a week immersed in electronic games? Based on these figures, the opportunity presented itself.
Technology is a powerful tool and its increasing integration into our daily lives brings new opportunities to monitor and improve our physical and mental fitness in innovative ways.
The marriage of technology and health is shaping a new era of holistic and affordable care, which can help improve people's quality of life and make exercising more accessible to everyone.
Frota, M. (2024, February 5). How gamification is changing fitness [Review of How gamification is changing fitness]. Fast Company & Inc.