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Games Worth Playing

Games Worth Playing

Games Worth Playing

January 6, 2024

Originally Published Here


It's my annual holiday guide to some of my favorite recent tabletop games, that's board games and card games.

In the last couple of decades, a very important development has happened in the world of tabletop and card games and that is the oncoming, we might say, unstoppable flood of cooperative games where you and I are playing together.

If I've already given you four or five more games than you've ever heard of before, you probably could stop listening right now because the reason I front loaded this list of six is if you're not already familiar with all of these and you're looking for a good game to enjoy for your family or friends, especially during the holiday times but with these games over and over through a cold winter or summer days at the beach, these games are all classics.

A brilliant new innovation in the world of modern board gaming are some of those games are legacy games.

Let me mention before we go on to our strategy games that there are a couple of games I did not include here because they're not easily available, but they're great.

It's an easy recommendation from me for strategy games for this Games GamesGames episode of 2023.

You start to realize as a gamer that just like signing a painter's name to a painting or a novelist's name to a novel, the same great artists produce and create games and it's worth seeing who made what and finding the name of the designer on the game box.


Games Worth Playing. (2024, January 6). The Motley Fool. https://www.fool.com/investing/2024/01/06/games-worth-playing/