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Why You Should Let Your Kids Play Video Games Over Break

Why You Should Let Your Kids Play Video Games Over Break

Why You Should Let Your Kids Play Video Games Over Break

By Randy Kulman

January 4, 2024

Originally Published Here


Kids often want to play more video games and use screens more during vacations.

Rather than trying to restrict access to screens during winter breaks, consider allowing more freedom for gaming as a method to distinguish play time from work time.

Beyond the fun of the newest toy, there are many other reasons to consider allowing your child more access to gaming time during school vacation.

Game time can become family time and strengthen family ties.

Just as board games have provided quality family time over the years, video games are a great way to engage and bond with your kids.

Recent research suggests that video games can improve mental flexibility, planning, visual working memory, visuospatial processing, fluid intelligence, and verbal working memory performance Restricting screen time during vacations labels it as bad for you.

There are many benefits to video games and "Playing" with technology, but it needs to be balanced with other types of play.


Kulman, R. (2024, January 4). Why you should let your kids play video games over break. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/screen-play/202312/why-you-should-let-your-kids-play-video-games-over-break