Psychologists can go digital too
Psychologists can go digital too
Psychologists can go digital too
November 05, 2023
Significant improvement is possible with the timely application of the appropriate digital technology.
Integrating digital tools into tertiary psychology curricula is imperative to provide future practitioners with practical experience alongside their theoretical studies.
The eyeball tracker is a digital tool that enhances cognitive processes, enabling students exposed to it to improve the usability of health information technology applications for quantifying attentional processes.
In clinical methods, artificial intelligence applications and machine learning enable psychologists to receive feedback on their clinical implementations.
Proficiency in data analytics becomes essential for addressing EDI well-being issues, using software tools such as JMP and SPSS. These tools should be introduced early in psychology education to prepare students for the application of statistical models in mental measurements as part of psychometrics.
Gaining momentum Technologies such as teletherapy, VR therapy, mobile applications, and online games are now effectively deployed as innovative methods for delivering mental health treatment alongside traditional approaches.
Digital psychology skills empower psychologists to navigate the digital landscape, utilising the power of behavioural psychology, persuasion techniques, and neuromarketing.
Psychologists can go digital too. (2023, November 5). The Star.