How the makers of a beloved board game reworked it to address the climate crisis
How the makers of a beloved board game reworked it to address the climate crisis
How the makers of a beloved board game reworked it to address the climate crisis
By Saira Mueller
June 14, 2024
The latest edition of the popular board game Catan, titled Catan: New Energies, incorporates climate crisis themes into its gameplay. Unlike its traditional pre-industrial setting, this version is set in the 21st century, integrating elements like power plants and pollution. Players must balance the use of fossil fuels and renewable energy, impacting greenhouse gas levels and causing potential climate-related events in the game. This new edition, developed with input from environmental experts, aims to blend engaging gameplay with real-world environmental science. By reflecting on these issues, the game hopes to increase awareness and inspire players to consider their impact on the climate.
Mueller, S. (2024, June 14). How the makers of a beloved board game reworked it to address the climate crisis. CNN.