How Board Games Helped This Man Recover from a Stroke
How Board Games Helped This Man Recover from a Stroke
By Paul Wynn
June/ July 2024
Andrew Bub, 53, credits his passion for games with aiding his recovery from two strokes in late 2022. An avid gamer since childhood, he launched to help parents bond with their kids through video games. After experiencing a heart attack in 2007, he made lifestyle changes, but the strokes severely affected his vision, memory, and spatial awareness. Board games have played a vital role in his rehabilitation; playing Crokinole improved his vision and spatial skills, while games like Junk Art and Klask enhanced his dexterity. Bub also uses Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble to help regain his memory.
Wynn, P. (2024, June/July). How board games helped this man recover from a stroke. Brain & Life.