Reducing cognitive overload through gamification
Reducing cognitive overload through gamification
Reducing cognitive overload through gamification
By Venkat Subramanian
December 12, 2022
When your learners are presented with too much information at the same time, they can suffer from cognitive overload. Literally, the brain is unable to process all the material it is provided, resulting in poor absorption, retention and learning outcomes.
These are fundamental instructional design principles, which can be applied to your immersive learning, gamified learning, e-learning or even traditional learning project to reduce cognitive load. However, we believe that the best way to apply them is through gamification and game-based learning.
Reducing cognitive load through gamification and game-based learning.
What do you want your learners to gain from the entire gamified learning experience? What are the elements that you would like them to learn from each module? How do they tie in to each other?
Cognitive overload hurts everyone, learners and trainers alike.
Support your learners with a game-based learning project that reduces the load and improves learning outcomes.
Talk to our experts to learn more and understand how to design an e-learning course that delivers the best possible outcomes for your learners and your organization.
Subramanian, V. (2022, December 12). Importance of implementing gamification in your training strategy. SMMRY. Retrieved January 12, 2023, from