Gamification: A simple process of making the mundane more exciting
Gamification: A simple process of making the mundane more exciting
Gamification: A simple process of making the mundane more exciting
October 20, 2022
Despite potentially being viewed as something of a taboo frontier across many sections of society, the challenge of making casino play more social is one that has been, and will continue to be, tackled by many across the space.
In a bid to foster gameplay that is not only more inclusive in nature but maintain delivery of a heightened entertainment experience, Jamison Selby, SVP of Games and Marketing at Game Play Network, pointed to the need to adopt engagement layers in a thorough manner.
Jennie Strandberg, CEO of WKND, took over to add a belief that social influences are "Bringing the gamification to a next level" through "Increasing the time on site and repeat visits of players".
If you have audible interaction coming around you, so you're sitting playing your game or slots, but you have five other machines next to you, you have five other players who are avatars, again, who you may engage with.
Adding: "You know, right now, I think one of the largest problems that we have in online casino is that it's such a lonely experience for many players."
"It's very simple. Gamification, tactics, when you really work on them, they can give a player a reason to play today, instead of tomorrow, a reason to play for five extra minutes instead of four extra minutes, you can use that the basic key thing we look at in a game, is one if it's fun to play."
"And two, if the game is more fun to play with more people, then you're gonna do really well. Because games that draw more players, the more players that play them increases your player base exponentially."
Casinobeats. (2022, October 20). Gamification: A simple process of making the mundane more exciting. Retrieved October 26, 2022, from