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Online game addiction needs early treatment and patience

Online game addiction needs early treatment and patience

Online game addiction needs early treatment and patience

By Nguyen Minh

July 26, 2023

Originally Published Here


The gaming addict, identified as P.M.Q, lost control over his behaviour, abandoned all tasks in real life and lived in a world of games most of the time.

On days off, he spent the whole time playing games, eating instant noodles, and drinking energy drinks at his game desk.

Dr. Ngọc said gaming addiction is when people ignore most other interests and responsibilities to play games.

Gaming addicts spend most of their time online and playing, leading to reduced social communication, insomnia, and reduced academic achievement and work performance.

"Research has shown that gaming and Internet addiction are often triggered by the need to satisfy negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, stress or loneliness. Users look to the Internet as a means to escape and assuage these emotions. These are emotions that young people often encounter and games and the Internet are the most effective tools to escape," Ngọc said.

Teenage boys are more stubborn, curious, impulsive and destructive, so violent and thrilling games will stimulate and attract them, making them easier to fall into online games and lead to addiction than girls.

Dr. Long recommends that parents who see their children playing games, using the Internet for more than three to four hours a day not for studying or working purposes, need to intervene immediately.


Minh, N. (2023, July 26). Online game addiction needs early treatment and patience. vietnamnews.vn. https://vietnamnews.vn/society/1551581/online-game-addiction-needs-early-treatment-and-patience.html