An introduction to how game development pipelines work
An introduction to how game development pipelines work
An introduction to how game development pipelines work
By Maksim Makovsky
May 16, 2023
The team responsible for designing and crafting all game ideas have different skill sets and responsibilities.
Designers imprint their artistic vision and creativity on all elements of game production.
This article provides an overview of a typical game development pipeline and how development tools are changing the design landscape.
When talking to a video game designer or head of a studio about the process of game production, they will usually start by describing the team's composition and their different tasks.
Substance Painter made it much easier to generate and apply textures to 3D objects, making the pipeline a lot more streamlined and allowing artists to import their deliverables directly into the game engine.
Depending on the game engine used in the pipeline, we need to make sure asset integration occurs smoothly.
The switch towards non-linear pipelines and real-time engines is set to be a game changer, allowing even the smallest teams to compete with industry behemoths without missing a beat.
Makovsky, M. (2023, May 16). An introduction to how Game Development Pipelines work.