Playful tertiary learning – A different path to follow
Playful tertiary learning – A different path to follow
Playful tertiary learning – A different path to follow
By Mohammad Mujtaba Khan
September 28, 2021
Gamification of learning and game-based learning are popular in schools to ensure student participation and facilitates collaborative learning.
A recent study conducted by Hitchens and Tulloch has reported that the students find gamification of learning as enjoyable and useful leaving only 15 per cent disagree with it.
Many institutes are forced to deny the growing call from the students due to the high investment required in creating the IT infrastructure.
According to him, games with pen and paper could also generate student interest and motivation as in the case of digital games.
Mr Alen Kuriakose, Assistant professor, School of Social work, Marian College Kuttikkanam, has shared his in-classroom experiments which helped him to win the students attention.
Alen says, "I'm fond of case studies and loved to discuss case studies in classrooms but it's a scary thing for my students and they used to say we want to get rid of these lengthy case studies".
Games could be part of the assessment as well, which gives the students additional motivation to participate in the collaborative activities.
Khan, M. (2021, September 28). Playful tertiary learning – a different path to follow. Retrieved November 16, 2021, from