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What could possibly go wrong? An examination of Board Game Bugs

What could possibly go wrong? An examination of Board Game Bugs

What could possibly go wrong? An examination of Board Game Bugs

What could possibly go wrong? An examination of Board Game Bugs

By David Talton

May 10, 2021

Originally Published Here


Just like in software, there are 'bugs' that can crop up in a board game or card game.

A Balance Error occurs when some text or balancing factor was left off of the component during pre-press, resulting in an unintended effect or interaction which alters game balance.

If a customer doesn't know precisely what components and how many are supposed to be in the box, or how one game integrates with an expansion, or which box specific components are supposed to be in, then the game experience can be quickly ruined.

Reasons: Often arises when a product is missing a components sheet, or the components sheet has some error, or when some piece that was advertised as a feature is missing from or hidden within the final game.

Prevention: Create components sheets and advertising materials carefully to reflect the final contents of the game.

During the digital proofing stage, the game should be reviewed alongside any other printing to ensure consistency between the component quality of the versions.

Sometimes the planning stages of a project are malformed, and the project leadership team does not fully understand all the components that were intended to be put into the final game.


Talton, D. (n.d.). What could possibly go wrong? An examination of Board Game Bugs. Level 99 Store. https://www.level99games.com/blogs/news/board-game-bugs.