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How gamification can boost your cybersecurity training

How gamification can boost your cybersecurity training

How gamification can boost your cybersecurity training

How gamification can boost your cybersecurity training

By Amer Owaida

April 21, 2020

Originally Published Here


Security is not a game, but learning about it could be - here's why adding the fun factor can help employees become more cyber-aware.

Since human errors and mistakes are often to blame for many breaches, improving employee cybersecurity awareness should be at the forefront of most companies' security training.

The dictionary definition of gamification would be the adding of game principals, game thinking or game logic to a task to encourage participation - long story short, make training a game.

One of the simplest examples of gamification when it comes to cybersecurity is phishing attacks.

To make the exercise even more rewarding, you can add points and once employees have accumulated enough points, they can exchange them for prizes.

To put it in numbers: 8 in 10 employees feel more motivated when their training is gamified.

Gamifying training does bear fruit: the employees not only remain motivated and engaged, but their organization sees results as well.

Employees are on the frontlines and mistakes are costly; in the event of a major cybersecurity breach or incident it's usually the executives who have to act and deal with the fallout.

Having a basic understanding of cybersecurity is a must in this day and age, and companies have to continuously train their employees and raise their awareness of the threats they face.

Having a creative and innovative approach to training can make a huge difference - not only will it be engaging for employees, but it is more likely they will be more proficient in identifying cyber-threats.


Owaida, A. (2020, April 21). How gamification can boost your cybersecurity training. Retrieved April 28, 2020, from https://www.welivesecurity.com/2020/04/21/how-gamification-can-boost-cybersecurity-training/