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How To Get Into The Game Development Business

How To Get Into The Game Development Business

How To Get Into The Game Development Business

How To Get Into The Game Development Business

Every avid gamer out there has dreamed of working within the gaming industry in some way. It’d be perfect, right? You can create and play games for a living, and that’s the one thing you love doing the most. Are you looking to break into the game development business? It may seem like a million miles away but with some strategic thinking and a plan, you could soon be heading in the right direction. Here are some tips on how to get into the game development business.

Go back to school

You love gaming, but do you know what it actually takes to build a game? Do you have the knowledge and skills to sit down and begin designing a game. If you’ve answered no to these questions, you may consider going back to school to study game development. Many universities offer BSc Computer Games Programming courses. This will not only help you learn essential skills and qualifications to be hired by big game studios, but it will give you opportunities for experience in the field too.

Design your own game!

Going to university to study game development won’t help much if you already know what you’re doing. One of the biggest things any employer looks for when looking at potential candidates is experience - so give yourself some! You can use simple tools to begin with such as the Roblox Studio and then work your way up into more intricate game development. Xcode for windows 10  is a great way of getting into app game development. The more you practise, the more experience you’ll have and the better you’ll be!

Write a gaming blog

Another great way of getting your foot in the door of the game development industry is by writing a gaming blog. Writing in depth articles about graphics, gameplay, how different consoles work with particular games, and any way games could be made better will attract the right crowd. Not only will you build up an audience that wants to hear your opinion, gaming companies may get in touch to collaborate with them.

Apply for internships at video game studios

Game developers can make extremely good money, and many of them started out as an intern at video game studios. While you may only be making tea or coffee, or helping edit graphics or sound, you don’t necessarily need any experience for an internship. Over time this could lead to a new position until you get closer and closer to the job role you’re after - a game developer! An internship is usually very low pay (or sometimes even voluntary), but if you’re serious about breaking into the game development world then it’s a sacrifice worth making.

Finally, getting the position you want will by no means be a fast process, so remember to be persistent! There may be days where you feel like you’ll never achieve your dream, but with some patience and these tips, you’ll be heading in the right direction. Don’t give up!