This article will provide an overview of self-determination theory and how the three needs of autonomy, competency, and relatedness influence player motivation. Intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation will be discussed in addition to how feedback loops affect the player experience. Self-determination theory in its application to both games and games-based learning will be shared. Self-determination theory’s applications outside of games and teaching will also be discussed.
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This article will review what knowledge checks are for teaching, training, and games-based learning. Why we should use knowledge checks as both educators and game designers is reviewed as well as how assessing the learning of our students can be done within the context of the game. Types of knowledge will be covered as well as how we can structure and design these knowledge checks to determine if our students and players are on the right path. Feedback is important for knowledge checks as well as creating a bank of opportunities to check in with our students as the need arises.
Read MoreHave you experienced that feeling of triumph before? The one you get from completing a really difficult level or beating an experienced opponent? You know, when you throw your hands up over your head in triumph? That feeling is called fiero. Fiero is highly addictive and highly engaging. Often that feeling comes after we’ve become completely engrossed in the game. That’s called being a state of “flow.”
Read MoreFeedback is an important part of the learning process. Feedback is also really important for games to be engaging and fun. Feedback in education is based on providing the student with tangible information that they can use to improve their learning, knowledge grasp, or retention. Feedback in a game is provided to the player in order to viscerally show them the impact of their actions.. The two can be combined in order to both meet learners’ outcomes as well as provide some interesting and engaging feedback in a games-based learning environment.
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