
Experience Points

Posts tagged learners
Episode 86 What is Player Relevance?

On today’s episode we’ll answer the question “What is Player Relevance?” Players play games for multiple different reasons. Many of those reasons have to do with their sense of intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. No matter the reason, all players play games because they find them relevant. For themselves, as well as for their player character, and through their journey throughout the game.

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Episode 81 Debriefing Games-Based Learning

On today’s episode we’ll answer how to Debrief Games-Based Learning. Using games for teaching and learning is the basis for games-based learning. But, educators and instructors don’t just play games with students or ask their students to play games. Instead, games serve as a critical and fundamental part of the curriculum for helping learners grow. That’s accomplished by making sure that a proper debriefing has occurred after game play.

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