Why and How to Define Educational Video Games?
Why and How to Define Educational Video Games?
Why and How to Define Educational Video Games?
Caitlin Cole, Roberto H. Parada, Erin Mackenzie
"While the volume of education-based video game research has increased, the field has yet to settle on a consistent definition of educational video games (EVGs). Available definitions of video games do not account for the nuances of games used within edu- cation and have not been developed for that purpose. Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses have concluded that the lack of standardized definition is critically ham- pering a cohesive approach to research in this area. This article begins by reviewing the current scholarship on video game definitions and then suggests a definition for EVGs to improve research outcomes in the field. Given that the major potential of video game use in education is to improve learning, we advocate that educational research scholarship needs to develop a common foundational approach to defining EVG and associated educational technologies. We hope that this definition will advance the field by suggesting a common language and operationalization of EVGs."
Cole, C., Parada, R. H., & Mackenzie, E. (2024). Why and how to define educational video games? Simulation & Gaming, 55(1), 35-54. https://doi.org/10.1177/15554120231183495
Video Games, Serious Games, Game-based Learning