Multiple intelligences-based instructor scaffolding strategies in digital game-assisted mathematics instruction
Multiple intelligences-based instructor scaffolding strategies in digital game-assisted mathematics instruction
Multiple intelligences-based instructor scaffolding strategies in digital game-assisted mathematics instruction
ZettiFinali, AfibRulyansah, Fajar Surya Hutama
"In elementary schools, extensive research has been undertaken on the effects of scaffolding on digital game-assisted mathematics learning. However, little research has been conducted on teacher scaffolding focus on student intelligence, particularly in rural primary schools. Thus, this study examined and quantified the effectiveness of teacher scaffolding strategies based on Multiple Intelligences in rural primary education mathematics. A questionnaire modified from McKenzie's Multiple Intelligences Instrument was used to create a picture of students' intelligence. Via interviews with 50 students and 50 student guardians, data on student and guardian perceptions of teacher scaffolding methods and student elements affected by teacher scaffolding strategies were obtained. Qualitative content analysis was used to categorise data according to the methodologies utilised in individual and small-group scaffolding strategies and the characteristics of students influenced by the scaffolding strategy. According to this study, small-group strategies included problem demonstration activities, student-shared solutions, teacher-presented solution processes, and a summary of approaches and techniques. Individual strategies were in the context of activities that encourage reflection, guide problem analysis, and provide direction. Teacher scaffolding methods impacted arithmetic abilities, enthusiasm in mathematics, and desire to explore. The study establishes that multiple intelligence-based scaffolding significantly affects students' academic learning activities in the context of digital game-assisted math learning perceptions."
Finali, Z., Rulyansah, A., &Hutama, F. S. (2023, January). Multiple intelligences-based instructor scaffolding strategies in digital game-assisted mathematics instruction. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2679, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
Students, Learning and learning models, Teaching,