Developing a User-Centered Educational Game to Prevent Cyberbullying Among Elementary School Students
Developing a User-Centered Educational Game to Prevent Cyberbullying Among Elementary School Students
Developing a User-Centered Educational Game to Prevent Cyberbullying Among Elementary School Students
By Thami Endamora Daulay, Kasiyah Junus, Lintang Matahari Hasani
"Technologies are becoming more accessible to both adults and young people. Although technology can form many opportunities, it exposes children to many threats, including cyberbullying. This research aims to develop an interactive game prototype to foster an understanding of cyberbullying in elementary school students. This research uses the User-Centered Design method with a qualitative approach in designing interaction designs based on user needs. Then, the prototype is piloted to users to evaluate user experiences and learning outcomes. Based on the evaluation results, the game prototype provides a positive user experience regarding satisfaction, learnability, effectiveness, immersion, motivation, and emotion. Participants were able to elaborate on positive ways of interacting through digital platforms. However, they had difficulties in responding appropriately to negative behavior and content on digital platforms. The findings of this research and suggestions for future improvements are presented."
Daulay, T. E., Junus, K., & Hasani, L. M. (2022, October). Developing a User-Centered Educational Game to Prevent Cyberbullying Among Elementary School Students. In 2022 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS) (pp. 173-178). IEEE.
cyberbullying, educational game, elementary school, students