LabXscape: A Prototype for Enhancing Player Experience in Cross-Reality Gameplay
LabXscape: A Prototype for Enhancing Player Experience in Cross-Reality Gameplay
LabXscape: A Prototype for Enhancing Player Experience in Cross-Reality Gameplay
By Michael McCready, Alexandra Covaci, and Luma Tabbaa
"Interest in multiplayer games that allow players to connect and play together using different technologies, such as virtual or augmented reality (VR/AR) has increased. Research has shown that in cross-reality gaming experiences (eg. where there are differences in players' abilities, user interface (UI), and methods of interaction) it is possible to achieve an enhanced player experience (PX) through various interdependencies. However, most of the previous work focuses on co-located scenarios, where the space and proximity of the players are local and utilized. In this study we present a cross-reality prototype called LabXscape. Through the prototype we are researching how asymmetries of space, UI, methods of interaction, information access, and narrative impact the PX for players using different technologies (eg. VR, AR, PC). In this cross-reality prototype, players can connect with different devices found on the Milgram and Kishino's Reality-Virtuality Continuum [1]. Their interactions, movements, and information influence and are shared with each other, creating a cross-reality experience [2]. Our observations reveal that there are factors that allow non-VR players to have as engaging experience as VR players, despite using a less immersive device."
McCready, M., Covaci, A., & Tabbaa, L. (2022, October). LabXscape: A Prototype for Enhancing Player Experience in Cross-Reality Gameplay. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct) (pp. 183-187). IEEE.
augmented reality, cross-reality experience, cross-Reality gameplay, cross-reality gaming experiences, cross-reality prototype, engaging experience, enhanced player experience, enhancing player experience, Kishino's Reality, LabXscape, multiplayer games, nonVR players, PX, UI, virtual