
An Analysis Of The Influence Of Internet Gaming On The Education And Living Conditions Of Urban Students

An Analysis Of The Influence Of Internet Gaming On The Education And Living Conditions Of Urban Students

An Analysis Of The Influence Of Internet Gaming On The Education And Living Conditions Of Urban Students

By Nguyen Ngoc Nguyen


"Numerous academics have focused on the many developmental elements of students' physical and mental health in the age of online gaming. Today's youth, particularly students, are more familiar with video games than they are with traditional games. Video games are games created for entertainment reasons, whereas internet games have more diversified and realistic content. However, just a few research has been conducted on internet gaming among Vietnamese students and the consequences of online gaming. The paper is based on data collected from 100 university students in Ho Chi Minh City. From there, an overview of the benefits and drawbacks of online gaming is provided, as well as ways to assist students prepare for life outside of the classroom. At the same time, research provides a foundation for understanding the disturbing scenario that is occurring in students and assisting sociologists and universities in developing programs to help students experience more in real life."


Nguyen, N. N. (2022). An Analysis Of The Influence Of Internet Gaming On The Education And Living Conditions Of Urban Students. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6(9), 4439-4445.


game online, psychology, university students