Teaching audiovisual production using gamification and virtual reality
Teaching audiovisual production using gamification and virtual reality
Teaching audiovisual production using gamification and virtual reality
By Ana María Beltrán Flandoli, Jhoana Raquel Córdova Camacho and Juan Carlos Maldonado
“This article shows the development of a project based on a methodology focused on a processual and temporalized development of the different developments to be achieved through gamification and design of the prototype. The serious game prototype, through the use of games and gamification concepts, will positively influence the learning process, which we believe will facilitate the teaching of audiovisual production in a practical way. It begins with a mapping of the main theories of Virtual Reality and gamified scenarios; the essential objective is the use of games in education. The student selects an avatar that introduces him/her to the virtual world of a television set, where he/she selects the work to be done, the game allows him/her to choose and advance through levels until achieving an audiovisual product with the correct elements and quality corresponding to a documentary or report as selected. Advancing through all the levels will give you badges. It is scalable because it allows projecting new levels of practice that the student will be able to experience. It is also capable of applying the technique to new learning topics in any area of knowledge, allowing the student to create a practical world of his profession. The application of the methodology has also allowed us to identify the skills and competencies that students have developed in the XXI century and that tools and methodologies such as those applied allow us to strengthen.”
Flandoli, A. M., Camacho, J. R., & ; Maldonado, J. C. (2022). Teaching audiovisual production using gamification and virtual reality. 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). doi:10.23919/cisti54924.2022.9820213 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9820213
Education, serious game, communication, educommunication, research