Narrative Games in BioAnalytic Forensics
Narrative Games in BioAnalytic Forensics
Narrative Games in BioAnalytic Forensics
Michael Cosgrave, Eric Moore, Athene Storey-Cosgrave
"This paper reports on the use of branching path narrative games based on cases written by industry partners and built using Twine in a graduate BioAnalytic Forensics module. The ease of use offered by Twine made it suitable as a tool to quickly introduce industry partners to the concept of interactive narratives which assisted them in framing their case studies. Twine is also an effective tool for introducing these games to students who may be unfamiliar with the genre. Business constraints central to the problems and modelled in the games include time taken to resolve the problem, and the regulatory requirement to fully explore possible root causes of the issue. Assessment was based on student reflections on their experience in game play, and on their team case study writing."
Cosgrave, M., Moore, E., & Storey-Cosgrave, A. (2022, October). Narrative Games in BioAnalytic Forensics. In ECGBL 2022 16th European Conference on Game-Based Learning. Academic Conferences and publishing limited.
Twine, biochemistry, forensics, game based learning, case study method