
Serious game design in practice: lessons learned from a corpus of games developed in an academic context

Serious game design in practice: lessons learned from a corpus of games developed in an academic context

Serious game design in practice: lessons learned from a corpus of games developed in an academic context

By Nicolas Szilas


“This article consists of a post-analysis of twenty-four learning games, developed by master students within a dedicated course, over a period of twelve years. From this longitudinal qualitative analysis of serious game development, we are able to identify critical factors that make these games successful or not. We have grouped these factors into three axes: project organization, game mechanics and graphics. The variety of games produced in this academic context opens the way toward a more systematic analysis of this corpus, aiming at producing useful guidelines to design better serious games in an efficient manner.”


Szilas, N. (2022). Serious game design in practice: Lessons learned from a corpus of games developed in an academic context. Retrieved November 10, 2022, from


Game design, learning games, serious games, intrinsic integration, research