
Universal Sprint Game That Teaches the Basics of Financial Literacy

Universal Sprint Game That Teaches the Basics of Financial Literacy

Universal Sprint Game That Teaches the Basics of Financial Literacy

Universal Sprint Game That Teaches the Basics of Financial Literacy

By Ekaterina Kubina, Marina Bareicheva and Natalia Stepanova


“Abstract: The basics of studying financial literacy are important for any generation. Representatives of Generation Z, who were chosen as the target audience, are particularly in need of this knowledge today. We offer a training sprint game in the field of finance "Shock Economy" with elements of internal development. For the purity of the experiment, the game was tested on an optional course of studying finance for non-economists when forming an individual learning trajectory by students of the Ural Federal University (Russia). The authors have developed a dynamic and exciting self-development game for reaction and adaptation to changes in the development of financial literacy. The basis of the game concept is the ability to adapt to new conditions and successfully respond to existing game rules, which implies modification, here and now in a limited time. The authors developed a flexible game model with illustrative elements, which were created using graphic editors. The advantage of the game is a steady concentration of attention on obtaining and consolidating the necessary competencies during training. Although the target audience for the game being developed was Generation Z, for the completeness of the experiment, the authors conducted this game with students over 30 years old teachers and teaching and support staff. An experiment to study the behavioral characteristics of each group participating in game training showed that the proposed game may be of interest to the creators and moderators of game practices. Since it is universal and can be adapted to different topics, depending on the requests, and can help in motivating learning.”


Kubina, E., Bareicheva, M., & Stepanova, N. (2021, September). Universal Sprint game that teaches the basics of Financial Literacy. Retrieved March 28, 2022, from


Game practice, economy, generation Z, adaptation, skills, research