Game-Based Learning: Building Competence in Visual Literacy Through Simulation
Game-Based Learning: Building Competence in Visual Literacy Through Simulation
Game-Based Learning: Building Competence in Visual Literacy Through Simulation
By Carol Record
“Game-based learning is an ideal experiential learning framework for introducing the critique process to reduce student anxiety and create competence in visual literacy and self-assessment. Critique, the assessment, and analysis of one’s work is an essential step in any creative process. It is an integral part of art school. However, it can also be a source of high anxiety for new students. This paper discusses the importance of critique, the challenges associated with teaching critique, and the benefits of utilizing game-based learning. Examples of game-based learning solutions are explored, including the development of, and response to, Lumen, a card game designed to prepare students for photographic discussion and critique.”
Record, C. (2021). Game-Based Learning: Building Competence in visual literacy through simulation. Retrieved March 22, 2022, from
Game-based learning, visual literacy, competency, experiential learning, research