Fortnite, Screenagers, and Student Resistance: A Correlational Analysis of Video Game Performance and Critical Thinking Levels
Fortnite, Screenagers, and Student Resistance: A Correlational Analysis of Video Game Performance and Critical Thinking Levels
By Maranda M. D. Hall
"This correlational study examines the strength and direction of the relationship between eSports performance levels and students’ critical thinking levels in Grades 6-12. The variables were measured via student completion of a critical thinking survey and performance levels obtained through a Fortnite tournament. A review of the literature explores the expectancy-value theory as the primary theoretical framework, the development of eSports and its extension into academia, the development of critical thinking related to 21st-century learning, and an overview of Generation Z and student resistance. Although the study did not report a statistically positive correlation between critical thinking levels and eSports performance levels, the discussion presents
suggestions for future research and implications for the educational field.”
Hall, M. M. D. (2021, June). Fortnite, Screenagers, and Student Resistance: A Correlational Analysis of Video Game Performance and Critical Thinking Levels. ProQuest. Retrieved December 8, 2021, from
Critical thinking, eSports, video game student resistance, research