Student centered digital game-based learning
Student centered digital game-based learning
Student centered digital game-based learning
Thomas Edward, Coleman
“Modernisation of education encompasses the integration of technological advances, and more active participation of students in their learning through recognised, effective techniques such as Student Centred Learning (SCL). To increase active participation of students with their learning within a classroom environment, significant effort has focused on the integration of digital games into education. These techniques, known collectively as Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL), show strong potential as a vehicle to deliver SCL, a method termed Student Centred Digital Game-Based Learning (SCDGBL). However, SCDGBL offerings have so far not been focused on the delivery of a fully student centred experience through a comprehensive integration of all seven tenets that comprise SCL. Aim: To design, develop and evaluate a novel DGBL experience that fully realises all seven tenets of SCL in delivering an engaging and effective educational experience. Methods: A design science research approach was used: A systematic literature review assessed state of the art, creating a conceptual framework for SCDGBL literature evaluation. A game design framework, the Student Centred Experience framework, was developed using design thinking and utilised to design a game-based educational artefact: the LogicGate System. It was deployed in a classroom environment to create a SCDGBL experience, with mixed methods evaluation blending user surveys and qualitative focus groups. The revised system, LogicGate-R, was evaluated against a traditional student-centred learning task for delivery of SCL tenets and learning outcomes producing knowledge improvement, by randomised cross-over trial design using a knowledge test, user surveys and qualitative focus group data on student experience. Results: The literature review demonstrated SCDGBL offerings do not currently deliver all seven SCL tenets, particularly the social aspects. In Experiment 1, students responded positively to the LogicGate System, feeling it was an engaging and effective way to learn, and made recommendations for improvements to immersion and feedback which were integrated into developing the high fidelity LogicGate-R System. A randomised cross-over trial, evaluating the Logic-Gate-R system, found that all SCL tenets were delivered while providing equivalent knowledge improvement to a traditional student-centred task. It was rated highly over the traditional task by students in feedback, joint productive activity and autonomy areas. Conclusions: The key contributions of this work include a conceptual framework to evaluate SCDGBL research, identifying gaps for redress. A highly customisable game design framework facilitates full delivery of SCL tenets and desired learning outcomes within a high quality game design. A game designed using this framework was demonstrated to deliver on all SCL tenets, including social aspects neglected in previous offerings. This enabled development of implications and recommendations for future design, usage and evaluation of SCDGBL offerings in educational settings.”
Thomas Edward, C. (2021). Student centred digital game-based learning (Doctoral dissertation, Brunel University London).
Student Centered Learning, qualitative focus groups, game design framework