A blended design of game-based learning for motivation, knowledge sharing and critical thinking
A blended design of game-based learning for motivation, knowledge sharing and critical thinking
A blended design of game-based learning for motivation, knowledge sharing and critical thinking enhancement
Wei-Lun Chang & Yu-chu Yeh
“This study proposed a game-based instruction approach by using bingo games and a mobile application to investigate its effects on motivation, knowledge sharing and critical thinking ability during the learning of information management. The participants were 86 undergraduate students who participated in an 18-week experimental instruction of information management in which bingo games and Socrative were employed. Both the qualitative and quantitative data were analysed. The results showed that while the bingo games may carry more effects on enhancing learning motivation, Socrative may lead to more knowledge sharing and critical thinking. In addition, both instructional methods had positive influences on learning outcomes through different mechanisms and shared mechanisms. The shared mechanisms included focused attention, brainstorming, active participation, interaction and logical thinking. Notably, there were interactions among motivation, knowledge sharing and critical thinking; moreover, the blended approach, which integrated the bingo games and Socrative, improved the participants’ critical thinking ability.”
Chang, W. L., & Yeh, Y. C. (2021). A blended design of game-based learning for motivation, knowledge sharing and critical thinking enhancement. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 1-15. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1475939X.2021.1885482
Game-based learning, knowledge sharing, critical thinking