
Personalization of serious games for learning

Personalization of serious games for learning

Personalization of serious games for learning

Personalization of serious games for learning

Boyan Paskalev Bontchev, Valentina Terzieva, Elena Paunova-Hubenova


“The purpose of this paper is to present principles for personalization of both learning content and gameplay in serious games for learning, which are based on a combined model of the student that comprises user, learner and player-related aspects of the student’s profile. Each of the considered user, learner and player sub-models has a static and dynamic group of characteristics. These characteristics assist general approaches for learning mazes game personalization applied to embedded mini-games (designed as information units, learning objects and educational tasks) so that to be adjustable and to enable learners to acquire knowledge more effectively”.


Bontchev, B. P., Terzieva, V., & Paunova-Hubenova, E. (2021). Personalization of serious games for learning. Interactive Technology and Smart Education.


Video Games, Game-Based Learning, Personalization