Developing “Speak It Up” Board Game in Speaking Skill For Undergraduate EFL Students
Developing “Speak It Up” Board Game in Speaking Skill For Undergraduate EFL Students
Developing “Speak It Up” Board Game in Speaking Skill For Undergraduate EFL Students
Nina Hayuningtyas, Mega Fariziah N.H.
“One of the goals of teaching English is that how students use the target language orally. Yet, many problems are still found in English speaking class to EFL students. Lack of vocabularies and some psychological factors are really believed as major problems in speaking class. This study focuses on developing an instructional medium in the form of a board game namely “Speak it up!” to be used as the teaching medium to teach speaking for undergraduate EFL students. This board game is designed for the undergraduate EFL students to practice English. Considering one of benefits of instructional medium is believed to be a strong way to facilitate students to speak English. Moreover, this media will be one of solutions as instructional medium to teach speaking especially in language function theme. That is why,this research is going to develop a medium which based on the needs of instructional medium to make the learning process of speaking become active, effective and enjoyable. This research is developed based on the Design and Development (D&D) model. The data are gained from the experts’ judgment evaluation result, which is available of the expert judgment checklist. Then, all data are both analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively using mean score. The study categorized as a succeed study as the developed material met the criteria of a suitable learning material”.
Hayuningtyas, n., & nh, m. F. (2020). Developing “speak it up” board game in speaking skill for undergraduate efl students. PESAT, 6(5), 1-14.
Speaking, Media, Board game