General View about Games based Learning: Literature Review
General View about Games based Learning: Literature Review
General View about Games based Learning: Literature Review
By Ghaliya AlFarsi, Ragad M. Tawafak, Abdalla ElDow, Sohail Iqbal Malik, Jasiya Jabbar and Abir Al Sideiri
“We are living in the age of technology, where everything is developing and spreading fast around us. In recent years, new technologies increased in the field of Education to develop and improve student performance in every area of their program. However, still, games-based learning was not in a hotspot filed of educations not profoundly discussed. The purpose of this study is to generate a literature review about the different learning method which help students to enhance their learning study. The process is how many studies motivated students to improve their performance by searching key focused on the game application for learning because it's more fun for students. The paper outcome prove the needs to use game-based learning that help students to share their information, knowledge, and feedback on the educational process. As a result, this review paper reveals and have proven to be an effective way to provide a suitable environment for motivating students to learn; it raises the student's level of Education”
Alfarsi, G., Tawafak, R. M., ElDow, A., Malik, S. I., Jabbar, J., & Sideiri, A. A. (2020). General view about games based learning: Literature review. Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies. doi:10.5220/0010304801390145
Game in learning, Artificial Intelligence, Academic Performance, Student Motivation, research