Formative Assessment with Game-based Technology
Formative Assessment with Game-based Technology
Formative Assessment with Game-based Technology
Donovon Grier, Suzanne F. Lindt, Stacia C. Miller
“The purpose of the current research was to determine the types of educational technology preferred by students and instructors, and to compare formative and summative scores within student classes. During a unit of study within a semester-long class, 44 volunteer student participants were administered four technology-based assessments designed to help them prepare for the summative exam. Following the summative assessment, students were asked to complete a feedback form to explain what type of technology assessment they felt was most helpful in providing them with feedback on their knowledge and which was most interesting to use. Instructors also provided feedback on ease of use and collected students’ scores on formative and summative assessments. The results of this study suggest that technology-based formative feedback can be effective in helping students prepare for summative exams and that students mostly preferred competitive and fun tools that provide immediate feedback”.
Grier, D., Lindt, S. F., & Miller, S. C. (2021). Formative assessment with game-based technology. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science, 5(2), 193-202.
Education, students, tools