The Game Design and Development of Critical Thinking Ability Assessment
The Game Design and Development of Critical Thinking Ability Assessment
The Game Design and Development of Critical Thinking Ability Assessment
Yayun Chen, Xiaoxue Yu, Yonghe Wu
"With the advancement of skills in the 21st century, critical thinking is gradually being valued in education, and the application of critical thinking assessment in educational settings has become normalized. The development of information technology has promoted the growth of educational games, and gamified learning and assessment methods have gradually become a new model that can assist learning. However, critical thinking ability tests presented in the form of games are rare. Based on the existing scale design, this research developed a critical thinking ability assessment game called "Nicolas Planet Adventure", which integrates theory and practice, and makes the critical thinking assessment more acceptable to students through gamified interface and operation."
Chen, Y., Yu, X., & Wu, Y. (2021, March). The Game Design and Development of Critical Thinking Ability Assessment. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 394-401). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
game design, development, critical thinking