Does Online Real-Time Quiz "Kahoot!" Increase Students' Knowledge and Enthusiasm During Laboratory Activity Lesson?
Does Online Real-Time Quiz "Kahoot!" Increase Students' Knowledge and Enthusiasm During Laboratory Activity Lesson?
Does Online Real-Time Quiz "Kahoot!" Increase Students' Knowledge and Enthusiasm During Laboratory Activity Lesson?
Afiat Berbudi, Maghfira Dwivani Rahmaputri, Kurnia Wahyudi, Julia Ramadhanti
Background: Teaching medical parasitology in the form of teacher-centered lectures requires innovation using the help of the latest digital technology to increase the effectiveness of the teaching. Realtime quiz Kahoot in an online platform is chosen in this study as a method combined with lecture because it is simple and flexible. Objective: This research analyzes the effect of applying Kahoot in increasing students' knowledge and enthusiasm for learning medical parasitology. Method: In total, 277 medical students were recruited to participate in this study, consisting of 181 females and 96 males. The research was a randomized controlled trial. The increase of knowledge was measured analytically using secondary data from pre-test and post-test during laboratory activity and the student's enthusiasm was described using primary data from questionnaires given to students that attend the Kahoot session. Participants are undergraduate medical students in Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran in the odd semester and divided into two groups: control and treatment. Results: There was no significant difference between the control group and the treatment group in knowledge increase, with a difference in median 0.055, confidence interval 95% (-0.126; 0.014), p= 0.162. The total average of the percentage of the participants scoring agrees statements in the primary data that showed student's enthusiasm was 68.85%. Conclusion: The analysis of student's knowledge of medical parasitology after using Kahoot shows no significant difference reflecting that there was no effect in using Kahoot for increasing knowledge in the teaching-learning process. However, the descriptive analysis of questionnaires shows that student's enthusiasm was relatively high (68.65%) after using Kahoot in class.
Berbudi, A., Rahmaputri, M. D., Wahyudi, K., & Ramadhanti, J. (2020). Does Online Real-Time Quiz" Kahoot!" Increase Students' Knowledge and Enthusiasm During Laboratory Activity Lesson?. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(10), 4716-4722.'_Knowledge_and_Enthusiasm_During_Laboratory_Activity_Lesson
Students’ Enthusiasm, Kahoot, Teaching Method, Medical Parasitology, Education