Wildlife Coexistence Quest
Wildlife Coexistence Quest
Wildlife Coexistence Quest
The Wildlife Coexistence Quest aims to aid shark conservation in Southeast Asia by developing a board game-like tool to assess shark-ray fisheries behavior. This tool, inspired by existing research models, will help students, scientists, and conservationists make decisions for resource management in SEA fisheries. Overfishing, particularly bycatch, threatens over a third of chondrichthyans, especially in SEA countries. The project seeks to understand fishers' motivations to ensure supportive conservation efforts. YSEALI Seeds will provide management and financial support. So far, the project has developed prototypes, consulted experts, and engaged in playtesting across multiple SEA countries.
U.S. Mission to ASEAN. (n.d.). Wildlife Coexistence Quest. U.S. Mission to ASEAN. https://asean.usmission.gov/yseali-seeds-project-highlight-wildlife-coexistence-quest/