Blasting Virtual Aliens Could Help Dyslexic Kids Parse Words
Blasting Virtual Aliens Could Help Dyslexic Kids Parse Words
Blasting Virtual Aliens Could Help Dyslexic Kids Parse Words
Riis Williams
July 18, 2024
In Space Invaders Extreme 2, players shoot fast-moving aliens to prevent them from reaching the bottom of the screen. A study in Nature indicates such action games may benefit children at risk for developmental dyslexia by enhancing their ability to perceive spoken sounds. Involving 79 prereading children with dyslexia risk, the study compared groups playing the game, a nonaction game, undergoing speech therapy, and receiving no intervention. After six weeks, over 80% of the gamers showed significant improvement in word identification, suggesting video games could aid early intervention for dyslexia. Researchers advocate for further studies to explore these findings.
Williams, R. (2024, July 18). Blasting virtual aliens could help dyslexic kids parse words. Scientific American.