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How Gamification Can Boost Employee Engagement

How Gamification Can Boost Employee Engagement

How Gamification Can Boost Employee Engagement

By Adrian R. Camilleri and Ananta Neelim

March 28, 2024

Originally Published Here


In modern management, motivating employees is crucial for productivity and morale. Traditional methods like autonomy and growth opportunities have struggled to combat rising disengagement rates. United Airlines' failed attempt at gamification sparked debate: was it inherently flawed or poorly executed? We argue the latter, advocating for gamification's potential when correctly implemented. Drawing from behavioral science, we propose integrating game mechanics into employee reward systems. These systems, like Southwest Airlines' "Kick Tails", leverage autonomy, competence, and relatedness to enhance engagement. Research shows probabilistic rewards, like single lotteries, outperform traditional incentives, especially for lower performers. Careful design and transparency are vital for success, offering a promising strategy for modern management challenges.


Camilleri, A. R., & Neelim, A. (2024, March 28). How Gamification Can Boost Employee Engagement. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2024/03/how-gamification-can-boost-employee-engagement