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PU launches board, screen-based games

PU launches board, screen-based games

PU launches board, screen-based games

February 24, 2024

Originally Published Here


In response to escalating disasters and envi­ronmental crises, the Centre for Disaster Pre­paredness and Management at the University of Peshawar has launched a set of board and screen-based games.

These innova­tive games, named Hazagora Board Game, Ex­treme Event Game, and Stop Disaster Screen Game, aim to educate players on crucial top­ics such as disaster risk reduction, climate change, and sustainability.

The CDPM, in collaboration with Islam­ic Relief Pakistan, organized a one-day Youth Awareness Event at the University of Pesha­war, drawing participation from approximate­ly 110 youths in all three games.

Prof Dr Zulfiqar Ali, Director CDPM, empha­sized that the games aim to instill a sense of urgency and responsibility in players of all ages and backgrounds.

Rooh Ullah emphasized that the games combine entertainment with education, offering an immersive experience in disaster risk reduction and sustainability.

Zakria Khan, another MS research student, noted that the "Stop Disaster" game provides hands-on learning, simulating real-world chal­lenges and offering immediate feedback on player choices.

The interactive nature of gaming technology, he hopes, will empower players to become change agents in address­ing global challenges.


PU launches board, screen-based games. (2024, February 24). The Nation. https://www.nation.com.pk/24-Feb-2024/pu-launches-board-screen-based-games